Article by legal ambassador Tanzeebur Rahman on Green Friday

With Black Friday fast approaching, it's important for us to reflect on key Islamic principles. In Islam, we are taught to look after this Earth and not be wasteful. We will benefit more greatly by taking a more thoughtful approach, going for 'Green Friday' as opposed to the consumerist Black Friday.

What is Green Friday?

Green Friday is an alternative to Black Friday, promoting sustainable shopping and responsible
consumer choices that reduce environmental impact. Rather than encouraging excessive
consumption, Green Friday emphasises the importance of mindful spending, supporting eco-
friendly brands, and prioritising the health of our planet. This resonates with Islamic values of
stewardship and respect for the Earth, reminding us of our duty to protect the resources
entrusted to us.

What does it look like?

What does Green Friday look like in practicality? How can we shop sustainably to protect our

Here are a few examples:

- Using reusable bags: Instead of purchasing disposable bags each time you shop, take a
reusable bag to reduce plastic waste.

- Shopping local: Supporting local businesses can help cut down on transportation
emissions, reducing your carbon footprint. This also boosts the local economy,
promoting community wellbeing.

- Buying quality over quantity: Invest in durable items rather than opting for fast fashion or
disposable goods, which contribute to waste.

- Looking for eco-friendly certifications: Choose products certified as sustainable, organic,
or fair trade, ensuring they meet environmental standards.

These practical steps are just a few examples of how we can adopt a more sustainable
approach to shopping. By making these small changes, we can contribute to reducing waste
and supporting a healthier planet. But why is it so important to us, not only as consumers but as
stewards of the Earth? As Muslims, we are reminded of our duty to protect the environment and treat it with respect, as it is a trust from Allah.

Why is this important to us?

Allah says in the Quran "It is He who made you successors on the earth" [6:165]. This verse
highlights our role of stewardship in this world, we have a duty to look after it and protect His
creation. Protecting the environment isn't just a choice; it's an obligation to fulfil our role with
integrity. By adopting sustainable practices, we honour this trust, helping to ensure a healthy
planet for future generations.

In addition to this, protecting and preserving the environment is seen as a form of charity,
bringing reward in this life and the hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said "If a Muslim
plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded
as a charitable gift (sadaqah) for him" (Bukhari) and this is a founding feature of AL-HQ Law & More where every completed case results in a tree being planted in the name of the client to not only benefit the client but introduce cycles of goodness within our own organisation to grow for the benefit of serving the community with ethical services and a net zero website where every click also results in more trees being planted!

Relating to this, Abu Zarr Al-Ghafari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet
(SAWS) said, "Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity (sadaqah)."
(Authenticated by Al-Albani).

These Hadith remind us further about the importance and reward of safeguarding the natural

As we embrace Green Friday, let's reflect on our role as stewards of this earth and make
intentional choices that align with sustainable values.

By shopping thoughtfully and prioritising eco-friendly options, we contribute to preserving our planet for future generations.

Together, small changes can have a big impact, and each mindful purchase brings us one step closer to a
healthier, more sustainable world.

By Tanzeebur Rahman, Legal Ambassador at AL-HQ Law & More.